WHO IS WHO in Czech Slavonic Studies

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NOVIK, Andrej, Mgr.

* 1975

Kontakty / Contact details

Pracoviště / Work place address Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav východoevropských studií, nám. Jana Palacha 2, 116 38 Praha 1
Telefon (na pracoviště) / Work phone number
Fax (na pracoviště) / Work fax number
+ 420 / 221 619 265
+420 / 221 619 266
Bydliště / Home address
Telefon (domů) / Home phone number
Fax (domů) / Home fax number

Mobil / Mobile number
E-mail / E-mail address andrej.novik@gmx.de
Osobní webová prezentace / Personal web site http://usvs.ff.cuni.cz/ucitele/novik.php

Odborné činnosti / Professional activities

Zaměření obecně vědní / General field of study Linguistics - Applied linguistics
History - Balkan
Linguistics - Balkan languages
Linguistics - Belorussian
History - Bosnia-Herzegovina
Linguistics - Bosnian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bosnian Muslims
History - Bulgaria
Linguistics - Bulgarian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
History - Croatia
Linguistics - Croatian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Croatians
Linguistics - Czech
History - General history
Linguistics - General linguistics
History - History of Slavonic nations
Linguistics - Kashubian
Linguistics - Lithuanian, Latvian
Linguistics - Macedonian
History - Montenegro
Linguistics - Old Slavonic language, old church Slavonic language
Linguistics - Russian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Russians
Linguistics - Ruthenian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
History - Serbia
Linguistics - Serbian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Serbians
Linguistics - Serbocroatian
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
Linguistics - Slovak
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Linguistics - Ukrainian language
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
Linguistics - Wendish
History - Yugoslavia
Zaměření geografické / Geographical field of study Serbian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Balkan studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Russian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Croatian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ruthenian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
General and comparative Slavonic studies - General and comparative Slavonic studies
Serbian studies - History
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - History
Study of Montenegro - History
Balkan studies - History
Bulgarian studies - History
Croatian studies - History
Serbian studies - Linguistics
Slovak studies - Linguistics
Wendish studies - Linguistics
Ukrainian studies - Linguistics
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Linguistics
Balkan studies - Linguistics
Czech studies - Linguistics
Russian studies - Linguistics
Baltic studies - Linguistics
Belorussian studies - Linguistics
Bulgarian studies - Linguistics
Croatian studies - Linguistics
Macedonian studies - Linguistics
Ruthenian studies - Linguistics
Specializace v rámci slavistiky / Specialization within the Slavonic Studies - slovanská jazykověda
- dialektologie
Členství v odborných organizacích, radách atd. / Membership in professional bodies
Publikační činnost / Publications Josef Lawitschka, Lipo naše selo. Paměti jihomoravského Chorvata / Vybral, přeložil a úvodní poznámku napsal Andrej Novik. - Praha : Miroslav Kouba – Aequitas, 2005. - 177 s.

Poznámky / Notes

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