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MAIELLO, Giuseppe, Ph. D.

* 1962

Kontakty / Contact details

Pracoviště / Work place address Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav východoevropských studií, nám. Jana Palacha 2, 116 38 Praha 1
Telefon (na pracoviště) / Work phone number
Fax (na pracoviště) / Work fax number

+420 / 221 619 266
Bydliště / Home address
Telefon (domů) / Home phone number
Fax (domů) / Home fax number

Mobil / Mobile number +420 / 603 578 587
E-mail / E-mail address dervan@ff.cuni.cz
Osobní webová prezentace / Personal web site http://usvs.ff.cuni.cz/ucitele/maiello.php

Odborné činnosti / Professional activities

Zaměření obecně vědní / General field of study Archaeology
Auxiliary historical sciences
Culture (including book printing and art)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology
General and comparative Slavonic studies (Baltic Slavs and Prussians including)
Paleoslavonic studies
Politics, international relations
History - Balkan
History - Baltic
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Belorussians
History - Bulgaria
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Bulgarians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Croatians
History - Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Czechs
History - General history
History - History of Slavonic nations
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Kashubians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Lithuanians, Latvians
History - Lusatia
History - Macedonia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Macedonians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Montenegrins
History - Montenegro
Literary criticism (history) - Old Slavonic and old church slavonic literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Polish
History - Russia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Russians
Literary criticism (history) - Ruthenian literature
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ruthenians
History - Serbia
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Serbians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slavonic nations
History - Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovaks
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Slovenians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Ukrainians
Etnography, folklore and ethnology - Wends
History - Yugoslavia
Zaměření geografické / Geographical field of study Slovak studies - Archaelogy
Slovene studies - Archaelogy
Wendish studies - Archaelogy
Ukrainian studies - Archaelogy
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Archaelogy
Study of Montenegro - Archaelogy
Russian studies - Archaelogy
Bulgarian studies - Archaelogy
Macedonian studies - Archaelogy
Serbian studies - Archaelogy
Balkan studies - Archaeology
Serbian studies - Auxiliary historical sciences
Slovak studies - Auxiliary historical sciences
Slovene studies - Auxiliary historical sciences
Wendish studies - Auxiliary historical sciences
Ukrainian studies - Auxiliary historical sciences
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Auxiliary historical sciences
Study of Montenegro - Auxiliary historical sciences
Balkan studies - Auxiliary historical sciences
Bulgarian studies - Auxiliary historical sciences
Slovak studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Slovene studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Wendish studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Ukrainian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Culture (including book printing and art)
Study of Montenegro - Culture (including book printing and art)
Balkan studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Russian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Bulgarian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Serbian studies - Culture (including book printing and art)
Slovak studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Slovene studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Wendish studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Ukrainian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Study of Montenegro - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Balkan studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Czech studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Bulgarian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Croatian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Serbian studies - Ethnography, folklore and ethnology
Belorussian studies - Etnography, folklore and ethnology
General and comparative Slavonic studies - General and comparative Slavonic studies
Slovak studies - Historiography
Slovene studies - Historiography
Wendish studies - Historiography
Ukrainian studies - Historiography
Study of Montenegro - Historiography
Russian studies - Historiography
Bulgarian studies - Historiography
Serbian studies - Historiography
Slovak studies - History
Wendish studies - History
Study of Montenegro - History
Balkan studies - History
Czech studies - History
Russian studies - History
Bulgarian studies - History
Macedonian studies - History
Serbian studies - History
Balkan studies - Literary criticism (history)
Paleoslavonic studies - Paleoslavonic studies
Serbian studies - Politics, international relations
Slovak studies - Politics, international relations
Slovene studies - Politics, international relations
Wendish studies - Politics, international relations
Ukrainian studies - Politics, international relations
Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Politics, international relations
Study of Montenegro - Politics, international relations
Balkan studies - Politics, international relations
Russian studies - Politics, international relations
Bulgarian studies - Politics, international relations
Specializace v rámci slavistiky / Specialization within the Slavonic Studies - dějiny kultury
Členství v odborných organizacích, radách atd. / Membership in professional bodies - Česká asociace Slavistů
Publikační činnost / Publications - Vampyrismus v kulturních dějinách Evropy. - Praha : Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, 2005.
- Slované / Bohuslav Chropovský. - Praha : Orbis, 1990. - překlad do italštiny.
- Husité / Jiří Kejř. - Praha : Orbis, 1988. - překlad do italštiny.
- O přístupu Ústavu slavistických a východoevropských studií FF UK ke studiu národů středoevropských a východoevropských. - Praha, 2005. - v tisku.
- O mladých dívkách a smrti mezi staletími a žánry. - Opava, 2005. - v tisku.
- O archeomytologii Mariji Gimbutiene. - In: Antropologické symposium IV. - v tisku.
- Pojem "Old Europe" u Mariji Gimbutiene. - In: Studia balcanica bohemo-slovaca VI. - v tisku
- Současné pohřební rituály v českých zemích na příkladu krematorií v Praze-Strašnicích, Zlíně a Plzni. - In: Český lid. - Roč. 92, č. 1 (2005). - S. 35 - 47.
- Les acteurs slaves de la destinée. - In: Voies païennes. - Č. 1 (2004). - S. 23 - 24.
- Byl li vampir demonologičeskoj figuroj. - In: Motywy demonologiczne w literaturze i kulturze rosyjskiej XI-XX wieku / sest. W. Kowalczyk, A. Orłowska. - Lublin : Wydawnictwo Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, 2004. - S. 9 - 15.
- Nejnovější poznatky o vampyrismu. - In: Český lid. - Roč. 91, č. 4 (2004). - s. 341 - 350.
- Double Burial and Slav Specificity : Some Italian Considerations. - In: Ethnological Scripts (1990 - 2002) / sest. M. Tomandl. - 2. vyd. - Prague : Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Charles University, 2003. - S. 63 - 67.
- O několika vampyristických figurách v kulturních tradicích Středního východu, starého Řecka a Říma. - In: Antropologické symposium II., Nečtiny 4. 7. - 5. 7. 2002 / sest. I. Budil, M. Ulrychová. - Dobrá Voda u Pelhřimova : Aleš Čeněk, 2003. - S. 218 - 228.
- Epidemie vampiriche nell'Europa centrale slava. - In: Quaderni di San Michele. - 16 (2003).- S. 35 - 46.
- Calmetova interpretace událostí v Kisiljevu a Medvedje a následující teologický spor. - In: Studia balcanica bohemo-slovaca. - V (2002). - S. 37 - 46.
- Sexuální život starých Slovanů. - (2001). - Plný text ZDE
Slovenský překlad ZDE
- The Origins of Christianity in Bohemia. - In: National Association of Native American Studies, Conference Proceedings 2000, Houston, February 21 - 26. - 2000. - S. 279 - 303.
- Základní směry italské slavistiky v posledních padesáti letech. - In: Slavica Pragensia ad tempora nostra. Sborník statí z mezinárodní vědecké konference ke 150. výročí založení stolice slovanské filologie na Karlově univerzitě, Praha, 8. - 10. června 1998 / sest. H. Gladkova, V. Kříž. - Praha : Univerzita Karlova, 1998. - S. 85 - 94.
- Double Burial and Slav Specificity : Some Italian Considerations. - In: Studia Ethnographica. - IX (1998). - S. 31 - 36.
- Sul poligono militare di Milovice : Il campo di prigiona. - In: Europa Orientalis. - XVII (1998). - S. 279 - 290.

Poznámky / Notes

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